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How can I get involved? Our monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, unless that day is a school holiday or school is closed due to weather. We meet at 5:30 PM in the library.  If schools are closed or close early due to weather we will postpone the meeting one week.  This consistent monthly schedule helps us to keep all members up to date on upcoming projects and opportunities to help teachers, students, and our school. 


What is PTO and who can be a Member? PTO stands for Parent Teacher Organization. Without teachers, education would be difficult at best. Without parents' involvement, educating our children would also be very difficult. Our COE PTO serves to ensure teachers and students have all that they need to develop tomorrow's Wilson County Leaders. We have no PTO signup fees, and no dues. Our only request is that parents attend meetings as able, and offer to help when convenient using your gifts and skills. Parents and Grandparents are encouraged to join us and get involved.  Also, feel free to join our Facebook page, Carroll Oakland Elementary PTO!


Become a Volunteer…Why YOU should get involved! There is no greater reward than the feeling you get when you help a child or group of children. Over 500 independent studies on parental involvement show many benefits when parental involvement is high. For instance, grades go up, test scores improve, children are more likely to attend better schools after high school, children have fewer discipline problems and are less likely to use drugs and alcohol when parental involvement is high.


There are also many other benefits, such as an increase in school pride, community pride, and the knowledge that you are teaching our next generation of leaders that giving back is rewarding. The need for help is there, and YOU have talents that can be used to help the greatest elementary school-kids in Wilson County. 


Volunteering doesn’t necessarily require a huge time commitment. We understand it is increasingly difficult to find time to give, but some parents don't fully appreciate how much a half hour a month can help their school. We sometimes have small projects that can be performed in the evenings or midday, and many projects don’t even involve coming to the school at all.


We are a busy group, but many hands make for light work. We hope to see you at a meeting soon. 






Frequently Asked Questions

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